The AM1705 is a low-power ARM microprocessor based on an ARM926EJ-S. The device enables original-equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and original-design manufacturers (ODMs) to quickly bring to market devices with robust operating systems, rich user interfaces, and high processor performance through the maximum flexibility of a fully integrated, mixed processor solution. The ARM926EJ-S is a 32-bit RISC processor core that performs 32-bit or 16-bit instructions and processes 32-, 16-, or 8-bit data. The core uses pipelining so that all parts of the processor and memory system can operate continuously. The ARM core has a coprocessor 15 (CP15), protection module, and data and program memory management units (MMUs) with table look-aside buffers. The ARM core has separate 16KB of instruction and 16-KB data caches. Both memory blocks are 4-way associative with virtual index virtual tag (VIVT). The ARM core also has 8KB of RAM (Vector Table) and 64KB of ROM. The peripheral set includes: a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet MAC (EMAC) with a management data input/output (MDIO) module; two I 2C Bus interfaces; three multichannel audio serial ports (McASPs) with serializers and FIFO buffers; two 64-bit general-purpose timers each configurable (one configurable as watchdog); up to 8 banks of 16 pins of general-purpose input/output (GPIO) with programmable interrupt/event generation modes, multiplexed with other peripherals; three UART interfaces (one with both RTS and CTS); three enhanced high-resolution pulse width modulator (eHRPWM) peripherals; three 32-bit enhanced capture (eCAP) module peripherals which can be configured as 3 capture inputs or 3 auxiliary pulse width modulator (APWM) outputs; two 32-bit enhanced quadrature encoded pulse (eQEP) peripherals; and 2 external memory interfaces: an asynchronous and SDRAM external memory interface (EMIFA) for slower memories or peripherals, and a higher speed memory interface (EMIFB) for SDRAM. The Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC) provides an efficient interface between the device and the network. The EMAC supports both 10Base-T and 100Base-TX, or 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps in either halfor full-duplex mode. Additionally, an MDIO interface is available for PHY configuration.
Specifications: | |
Attribute | Value |
Category | Integrated Circuits (ICs) |
Embedded - Microprocessors | |
Mfr | Texas Instruments |
Series | Sitara™ |
Package | Tube |
Part Status | Active |
Core Processor | ARM926EJ-S |
Number of Cores/Bus Width | 1 Core, 32-Bit |
Speed | 375MHz |
Co-Processors/DSP | System Control; CP15 |
RAM Controllers | SDRAM |
Graphics Acceleration | No |
Display & Interface Controllers | - |
Ethernet | 10/100Mbps (1) |
SATA | - |
USB | USB 2.0 + PHY (1) |
Voltage - I/O | 1.8V, 3.3V |
Operating Temperature | 0°C ~ 90°C (TJ) |
Security Features | - |
Package / Case | 176-LQFP Exposed Pad |
Supplier Device Package | 176-HLQFP (24x24) |
Additional Interfaces | I²C, McASP, SPI, MMC/SD, UART |
Base Product Number | AM1705 |